Find yourself pacing around your home? Children bouncing off the walls? Sounds like now would be a good time to do some physical activity!
Physical activity is super important for lifting your mood and improving sleep patterns. It may help block negative thoughts or distract you from daily worries. Most importantly It can be a lot of fun!
Now you may be wondering "Where can I take my family? Parks are a no go do to social distancing. I don't have a backyard, front yard, balcony, porch, big space, etc." The good news is you don't need a ton of space to get moving. Here are some resources to get your feet moving:
Freeze dance (you can use any music):
GoNoodle is a site that combines videos, video games and physical movements: e.g:
Cosmic Kids Yoga:
87 Energy-Busting Indoor Games & Activities For Kids (Because Cabin Fever Is No Joke):
If you have twister now would be a good time to brake it out but if not you can make your own chalk version outside!